Floral Designer by profession; interrupter of color by nature.
Susan Bernadette read beyond the surface of her subject to reveal its mood, the disposition of its character—the true colors of its inner beauty (its soul).
As an artist and designer, she spent decades immersed in the soft hues, warm tones and the bright colors of nature. From her degree in Earth Science, she stepped naturally into her role as Director of The Stroudsmoor Floral and Décor Department where see created living masterpieces for 3-decades; earning her the title of Maître Designer des Fleurs from her clients and peers.
Taking a leap of faith inspired by her 3-dimensional creations, her talents offered a 2-dimensional view of nature’s infinite beauty in the simplest of terms—pure color.

Susan wrote, “My work features inspirational images frozen in time. Those that connect to memories in my Life. The paintings represent my life stories. My art is meant to stir your emotion, to infuse you with faith, hope, and love, moving one to giggle, play, aspire, find courage, deep trust, and admiration; it asks you to wish upon a star and dream.”